
Based in Germany

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Guns and crime rule the streets in the outer districts of Sanity City. You've become a raider striving for fame and money. A mercenary for crime syndicates, shady corporations and anyone else who'll pay you. State-of-the-art gear is expensive and the only way to survive in this high-tech, cut-throat environment. You will require all the firepower you can muster, but occasionally sneak and hack your way into buildings. Someone - something? - is shaking the established order of the criminal underground. Prominent teams of raiders are taken out one by one. Survivors are rare, and they tell incredible stories of a single fighter, lightning fast and seemingly invincible. You don't believe in fairy tales of losers. Nothing exists that can not be killed. But what if there is something to the rumors about the H.E.R.O.S. project after all? That secret gear could give you godlike powers and make you king of the underworld in no time... Sanity City is the Utopian experiment amidst a world of chaos, a shimmering sign of hope for mankind. During the "troubled twenties", a decade of global disorder, this ever growing giga-metropolis was designated as a neutral, supranational zone by the remaining nations of the world. Governed by a highly advanced AI, this is a place where all people are equal. A place for all people to prosper. And a safe harbor for every sane person fleeing from madness, war and disaster. It is a place where all your past sins are forgiven… So they say.


We've been developing VR games since 2014. And since then we were rolling thoughts about a story we have to tell. But not just like any story you have heard before. A story, so vivid, vast and mythical you need to live through it yourself. A story that needed a new medium to get told. A story for VR.


  • Full-body-avatar in Virtual Reality
  • Multiplayer and singleplayer gameplay
  • Explore the urban canyons of your hood in Sanity City.
  • Browse stores of all kinds along the streets.
  • Do business with smugglers and gunrunners.
  • Find the next client who will send you on a lucrative mission.
  • Assemble a team and make sure everyone comes back alive.
  • Money is great, but you need street fame to stay in the game


Full-body-avatar YouTube

Mixed VR/Flatscreen multiplayer YouTube


02_Sanity City - Female Hacker Sitting Table Screenshot_by Cykyria.png
03_Sanity City - Male Raider Gunfight Screenshot_by Cykyria.png
01_Sanity City - City Night Scene Screenshot_by Cykyria.png


Sanity City Twitter
Sanity City on Twitter twitter.com.

Sanity City Discord
Sanity City Discord server discord.com.

About Cykyria

Cykyria is an independent virtual reality studio founded in 2014 by Benedikt Engelhard and located in Germany. We are focused on branded virtual reality entertainment and games for home, events, trade fairs and VR arcades.

More information
More information on Cykyria, our logo & relevant media are available here.

Sanity City Credits

Benedikt Engelhard
Producer, Lead Developer

Doris Conrad
Game Design

Magdalena Bienefeld
Developer, Technical Artist



Press Inquiries

presskit() by Rami Ismail (Vlambeer) - also thanks to these fine folks